
Atelier : Structure et parcimonie pour la représentation
adaptative de signaux

Saint-Malo - 06 au 09 Avril 2009
english version
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Contact : spars09@inria.fr

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Dernière modifications :

We have negotiated rates with a selection of hotels in Sain- Malo, through the Palais du Grand Large, the convention center hosting the SPARS’09 conference.


Click here to book a room. We will try to respect your choice according with the availabilities.

Selected hotels:

3 stars:
Hotel Louvre:  located in the old city of Saint-Malo Intra-muros. 5 minutes by walking distance from the conference place.
Rates: Single: 80 €/day - Twin or Double: 101 €/day

Hotel Mercure: located on the seaside - 5 minutes by walking distance from the conference place.
Rates: Single: 86 €/day - Twin or Double: 106 €/day

2 stars:
Hotel Anne de Bretagne :  located in the old city of Saint-Malo Intra-muros. 5 minutes by walking distance from the conference place.
Rates: Single : 50 €/day  - Twin or Double: 58 €/day
Hotel Ibis Plage: located on the seaside - 5 minutes by walking distance from the conference place.
Rates: Single: 68 €/day  - Twin or Double: 74 €/day

Otherwise, there are many other hotels in St Malo. See for instance the Tourism Office site.





